Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL): State and Local Innovation Initiative
Deadline: 7/17/2020
Amount: $400,000 max
The purpose of this program is to support state and local leaders in using randomized evaluations to generate new and widely applicable lessons about which programs work, which work best, and why. Funding will support state and local governments that have partnered with a J-PAL affiliate, J-PAL post-doc, or invited researcher to design a randomized evaluation. Proposed randomized evaluations may address any area that relates to the funding agency’s mission of reducing poverty by ensuring that policy is based on scientific evidence, including such sectors as children and families, crime, education, employment, energy and environment, health, household finance, housing and homelessness, and governance.
Eligible applicants are state and local governments that have partnered with a J-PAL affiliate, J-PAL post-doc, or invited researcher.
Eligible Applicants:
Local Government
State Government