The purpose of this program is to support projects requesting less than $217,400 that will serve as catalysts for discoveries relating to the deepest and most perplexing questions facing humankind. The funding agency supports research on subjects ranging from complexity, evolution, and emergence to creativity, forgiveness, and free will. There are no eligibility restrictions for this program. Projects may address the following core areas:

  • Science and the big questions: Projects will conduct innovative efforts to address the deepest questions facing humankind, and projects will exhibit intellectual humility and open-mindedness. The funding agency welcomes requests that are inspired by relentless curiosity, are willing to challenge common assumptions, and are eager to advance the frontiers of human knowledge. Additionally, the funding agency supports efforts to bring relevant finding to non-specialist audiences. This funding area contains the following themes: Fundamental structures and laws of nature
  • The nature of the divine
  • The nature and potential of the mind
  • Religion and spirituality in human experience
  • Life, love, and virtue
  • Character virtue development: Projects will seek to advance the science and practice of character, with a focus on moral, performance, civic, and intellectual virtues such as humility, gratitude, curiosity, diligence, and honesty.
  • Individual freedom and free markets: Projects will support education, research, and grassroots efforts to promote individual freedom, free markets, free competition, and entrepreneurship.
  • Exceptional cognitive talent and genius: Projects will recognize and nurture exceptional talent, especially for those at an early stage of life. The funding agency also supports research concerning the nature of cognitive genius, including extraordinary creativity, curiosity, and imagination.
  • Genetics: Projects will conduct research in genetics with the goal of alleviating future sickness and poverty while helping to realize humanity’s fullest physical and material potential.
  • Voluntary family planning: Projects will help parents make choices about reproductive futures, and will provide appropriate resources to them.