Strategic Opportunities Support (SOS) – Rapid Response Fund

Deadline: 1/01/2021

Amount: $5,000 max



to ensure justice for and protect the human rights of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated populations impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19). Funding is intended to support efforts and activities that address health, safety, and human rights of the incarcerated, as well as voting rights of the formerly incarcerated living in the community.

CJI’s SOS Rapid Response Fund has always provided flexible and immediate funding to organizations responding to changing political landscapes and working to build collective power at critical junctures. In the coming months, SOS will continue to respond to crisis and opportunities across the spectrum of our work, giving priority to the following categories:

1) Organizing that responds to opportunities or dangers affecting the health, safety, or human rights of incarcerated and directly impacted people based on Covid-19 policies or practices.

2) Organizing to support the rights of formerly incarcerated and directly impacted people to effectively participate in the electoral process.

Eligible applicants:
