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What’s So Great about Volunteering?

2018-03-02T14:08:16-07:00March 2nd, 2018|2018, Blog, Community engagement, Tools for Changemakers, Unconsultants|

By Sandy Wiegand, Copyeditor and Writer at Joining Vision and Action Over the past several weeks I’ve been updating JVA’s internal resumes, the ones we attach to our proposals. The experience [...]

Pay it Forward – Website Development Training

2018-05-21T19:48:30-06:00April 19th, 2017|Blog, Marketing & Communications, Tools for Changemakers, Training, Unconsultants|

John Connelly, President & Founder at Sensus Media I won’t waste your time with a long post that highlights all the benefits of learning coding fundamentals or use the cliché ‘you have [...]

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