co-working space pro

This co-working pro knows how to follow all the rules.

By Marshall Vanderburg, Joining Vision and Action Director of Operations

Changemakers Co-working@JVA. Edgewater’s newest co-working space located right outside the Denver Highlands.

Co-working spaces have been all the rage the past several years. Growth continues unabated in 2016. JVA recently launched Changemakers Co-working@JVA, a co-working space located in Edgewater right outside of the Denver Highlands, especially targeted to individuals and organizations engaged in social change.

Co-working provides multiple opportunities for emerging entrepreneurs and established enterprises. It works. Co-working has even shown that it especially benefits startups. There are multiple ways to create a successful co-working environment and design mistakes to avoid.

Aside from all the benefits of co-working, one aspect of the experience has seen limited humorous exploration­—activities and behavior to avoid as a fellow co-worker! You might be surprised how often several of the activities actually occur, not that we’ve had these experiences at JVA, of course. 

  1. Not following the policies of the co-working space. Yes, there are arcane house rules like operating hours, keeping current with meeting space calendars or not destroying space furniture. These policies assist in maintaining a level-playing field of behavior and expectations. Striving to keep the tribe working harmoniously is an actual laudable goal.
  2. Don’t let your behavior have a negative affect on those around you. Are you a persistent chatterer? Like to drum your fingers on the desk? A lunchbox in the fridge looks enticing? Toe/finger nails need clipping? Practicing restraint is advised.
  3. Don’t let your physical state have a negative affect on those around you. Spraying the contents of your mouth and nose around? Didn’t get around to bathing last week? Proud of the new perfume or aftershave you received for your birthday? Probable states you should not readily exhibit in a co-working environment, unless you have planned ahead of time and signed up on the calendar for the conference room.
  4. As behaviors they deserve their own category—don’t let your phone or video calls get out of hand. Yes, taking that call is essential for what you do. Allowing your voice to reverberate in people’s minds while you take the call is the sin. Use your inside voice, move to a less populated area, go to a private room. All appropriate actions when your voice naturally tends to carry (you know who you are).
  5. Most importantly, don’t establish hazing routines for new co-working classmates. Yes, cleaning toilets might be fun but a janitor takes care of this. No, mooning classmates is not advised. Believe it or not, hazing works against maintaining a collaborative, creative and productive work environment.

Now that we’ve had our chuckle, let’s leave with how you can be a co-working pro. Enjoy!

We want to see you in the Changemakers Co-working space! Contact us to tour the space!