The purpose of this program is to support colleges and universities in conducting green infrastructure projects designed by students on college campuses. Projects must be conducted by student teams that use soils, vegetation, and rainwater harvesting to manage rainwater near to where it falls through capture and evaporation. Projects should integrate natural processes into the built environment, and green infrastructure should provide a variety of community benefits, including improved water and air quality, reduced urban heat island effects, the creation of habitat for pollinators and other wildlife, and aesthetic and recreational value. The program invites the current generation of scholars to apply their creativity, knowledge, and energy to solving stormwater runoff challenges today and in the future. Overall, this program aims to:

  • Engage students in assessing the technical and economic potential of green infrastructure solutions at a range of spatial scales and in a range of physical contexts
  • Provide a hands-on, interdisciplinary learning experience through which students and faculty gain practical experience for future use
  • Promote the use of green infrastructure practices that provide multiple environmental, social, and economic benefits on college and university campuses

Funds may support projects under the following categories:

  • Demonstration projects: proof-of-concept-level designs that examine how green infrastructure can be integrated into a particular site on the team’s campus to meet multiple environmental, economic, and social objectives
  • Master plan: conceptual designs that examine how green infrastructure can be integrated into a broad area of the team’s campus, and that align with existing campus master plans and have a vision for how green infrastructure could be further integrated into the campus, thus providing long-term environmental, economic, and social benefits