The City of Boulder is inviting Requests for Proposals (RFPs) to fund existing 501(c)(3) nonprofit agencies, educational, or governmental entities which have the express purpose of promoting health and preventing diseases associated with sugary drink consumption.

A Health Equity Advisory Committee (HEAC) will be established to ensure tax fund expenditures align with the intention of Ballot Issue 2H and to make funding recommendations. Committee members will provide technical and professional expertise and lived experience to assist with the allocation of funding for the most effective ways to address health equity and chronic disease associated with sugary drink consumption. Specifically, the committee’s purpose is to:

  • Help define desired outcomes and key indicators that should be tracked to measure success;
  • Provide recommendations on what existing city and community programs could be expanded with additional funding in 2017;
  • Provide recommendations on what existing and new city and community programs should be funded in future years; and
  • Provide input on effective strategies and programs to engage residents most affected by health equity and lack of access to health services.