Cigna and the Cigna Foundation: Healthier Kids for Our Future: Food Insecurity Grant 
Deadline: 9/30/2020
Amount: Unspecified
The purpose of this program is to address childhood hunger and improve nutrition by addressing food insecurity. Projects should fill the gaps that exist inside and outside of the school environment, which are a focal point for addressing food insecurity and supporting at-risk populations. The funding agency seeks to support projects that address gaps in delivering food and nutritional education to children in the following areas:
  1. Community-based projects that support children’s and families’ access to healthy meals and nutritional education outside the school setting, on weekends and during the summer
  2. Food and nutritional programs that provide support for expecting mothers and caregivers
  3. Support for programs that address the needs of preschool children
  4. Health provider/clinician efforts that provide nutritional education to patients and/or food as prescription programming
  5. School-based programs that enhance or augment state and/or federal
Eligible Applicants:
Local Government
Academic Institutions
Non Profits
Schools/School Districts
State Governmentassistance efforts