Skipping the W in SWOT: An introduction to Strengths-based Leadership for Community and Social Change

By Janine Vanderburg, President/CEO In the nonprofit and government sectors, asset-based approaches have become the desired default when applied to our work with clients or constituents. We encourage staff to look for client or community assets, not deficits. We emphasize opportunities, not barriers. We’d prefer to focus on wellness, not illness. So why is it [...]

2017-01-07T18:50:24-07:00September 25th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments

The MATCH Game: Screening funders to see if they are a good fit for you

by Janine Vanderburg, Joining Vision and Action A critical part of successful grantwriting is identifying funders that are a good fit for your organization or programs. We've all had the experience of someone saying, "Oh, you should apply to this foundation—we hear that they are funding children, or the environment, etc." While it might be tempting [...]

2019-03-04T13:13:06-07:00September 15th, 2014|2014, Blog, Fundraising, Grantwriting|0 Comments

Top 7 Secrets for Writing a Grant in a Day

by Janine Vanderburg, Founder, Joining Vision and Action How to Write a Grant that Will Get Funded In the 1990s, I stumbled across Eleanor Burns' Make a Quilt in a Day television series. As someone who had spent long hours creating quilts, I was instantly intrigued. The secret, it turned out, was a system of [...]

2019-10-28T17:43:29-06:00September 3rd, 2014|Grantwriting|0 Comments

Some Truths about Pricing Your Nonprofit Product or Service

by Janine Vanderburg, President/CEO, JVA Consulting As more and more nonprofits are plunging into social enterprise and earned income strategies, one of the most challenging issues they can face is how to price their products and services. The question of how to charge or what to charge seems really perplexing, especially if they are transitioning from [...]

2016-08-16T02:38:05-06:00August 13th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments

3 tips for graduate students who want to become consultants

by Janine Vanderburg, President/CEO Yesterday I met a bright young woman in the University of Denver's business school, who interviewed me as part of a class research project on what it takes to be a successful consultant. Towards the end of the interview, she asked: What advice would you give training and organizational development graduate [...]

2020-12-12T18:51:59-07:00July 20th, 2013|Blog|0 Comments

Lessons on fundraising from Rio de Janeiro beach vendors we’ll be adding to Development Director Intensive

By Janine Vanderburg, President/CEO JVA Consulting A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of visiting Rio de Janeiro, taking in the extraordinary sights, sounds and spirit that made the New York Times list it as the # 1 destination to visit in 2013. Any visit to Rio has got to include the made-famous-by-the-song Ipanema [...]

2017-01-07T18:50:31-07:00June 17th, 2013|Blog|2 Comments

House moving and succession planning

Janine Vanderburg, CEO JVA Consulting Last week, my husband and I helped move our daughter Jackie from the house in Tacoma, Washington, that has been her home for the last few years while she attended the University of Puget Sound. We're doing what many of our boomer-age friends are doing these days—helping our kids launch [...]

2016-08-15T15:34:22-06:00June 12th, 2013|Blog|0 Comments

Kevin Spacey, Lincoln the movie and the federal sequester

by Janine Vanderburg, CEO, JVA Consulting It's snowing today, and I'm doing what many are doing—staying home, reading and watching movies. In my case, I can't get enough of House of Cards, the Netflix political drama series starring Kevin Spacey as Congressman Frank Underwood, a man who will stop at nothing in his attempts to [...]

2017-01-07T18:50:36-07:00February 24th, 2013|Blog|0 Comments

Your Encore Career in Nonprofits

By Janine Vanderburg Last year, I met Marci Alboher at the Encore Careers conference in California, after winning a Civic Ventures Launch Pad award for our concept of training people with sales and marketing background to become nonprofit fundraisers. She and I shared a passion for reinvention—and that the social change sector can benefit from [...]

2016-10-26T15:01:41-06:00January 16th, 2013|Blog|0 Comments
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