Are you not sure of your next career step? Have you been thinking of putting your skills to use in the nonprofit sector, but not sure how to do it? Maybe you’re already in the nonprofit sector and considering a move into a development director position.
Join JVA Consulting’s expert trainers for an incredible professional development opportunity that can help you land your nonprofit job or move into a nonprofit fundraising position.

Development Director Intensive (DDI) is the perfect professional development opportunity for the new development director, as well as for someone in grantwriting or events who wants to move up to a development director position. This two-day interactive course will cover strategies for charity fundraising, online fundraising and the best practices for building a diversified, sustainable fundraising program. In addition to focusing on revenue generation, we’ll tackle the systems, infrastructure and processes needed to support your efforts.

The next DDI is on July 14 and 15 at JVA in Denver. To complement DDI, consider registering for our Write a Grant in a Day workshop on July 16. This full-day interactive workshop will help you craft a boilerplate you can use for the Common Grant Application (CGA) and use in your development/fundraising position.

To learn more about these nonprofit professional development opportunities and to register, click here.