By Amber Alarid, JVA Consulting

After admittedly becoming overwhelmed by the barrage of sticky notes and cell phone alerts that I previously used to keep track of my important notes and tasks, I began exploring techniques to create more effective and efficient to-do lists. I have gathered my most important lessons learned and the best advice I have found to help you create a plan to get more organized. 

Be consistent

Find a plan that works for you and stick to it. It can be tempting at an offsite meeting or at home to jot down notes on the backs of receipts or on your hand, but if these notes do not make it into your master planner, chances are you will forget about them or lose important details written elsewhere. Whether it be a notebook, an online program or a cell phone application, keep your notes together for easy access. You’ll also look more professional if you aren’t scrawling on whatever scrap of paper you can find. At JVA we use Action Method Online to manage our to-do lists.

Be detailed

If your tasks involve contacting someone or going somewhere, be sure to include this info on your list. If phone numbers and addresses are included in the same place you keep your task list, you won’t lose valuable time tracking down these details at the last minute.

Keep it current

Build in time each day to update your list, adding new items, consolidating lists (especially if you do fall back on your sticky notes in a pinch) and prioritizing projects. recommends blocking out 15 minutes at the end of the day to prepare a to-do list that is ready first thing in the morning the next day when you get to work. Create a system that works for you and, once again, be consistent about carrying out that system.

Clearly identify priority projects

I use a star to call attention to things that need to be done first; items that are small tasks to be done as I have time are placed in another column and/or toward the bottom of the to-do list. suggests using A, B and C to classify your projects according to priority level.

The most important thing about effective to-do lists is that they fit your lifestyle. Try various tactics, such as separating your work and personal to-do lists or using to-do list templates to create a system that you will follow through with. How do you capture key tasks? What systems do you find most and least effective? Leave us a comment below to share you best tips.