Last week, President Clinton appeared on Larry King Live and talked about everything from the financial crisis in our country to the presidential/vice presidential candidates. In the end, the conversation focused on the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) started by President Clinton in 2005 “to help turn good intentions into real action and results.”

Larry King commented that “the diversity of people (involved in CGI) is extraordinary.”

President Clinton responded by saying, “Everybody from people who think they’re conservative republicans to those who think they’re liberal democrats. And, it turns out when it comes to saving a kid in Africa or giving a kid in Latin America an education or giving a loan to a woman in a poor country in South East Asia, there’s not much politics there. People can see we all have a common interest in allowing people to live their dreams.”

With five weeks to go until the election, it’s easy to get caught up with taking sides on behalf of particular candidates or issues. We raised President Clinton’s point to JVAers and asked what they are really working for—not the initiative or the seat or the mill levy—but the underlying change everyone can agree on. Here’s a sampling of what they had to say:

•    Adequate health coverage for all Americans
•    Great public education in every district across the country
•    World class education for all children
•    Alternative energy options and jobs created through this industry
•    Ensuring a positive image of the United States as a global leader and partner
•    Inclusiveness and valuing different perspectives
•    Capturing the energy generated this election season and carrying it forward into active citizenship after November
•    Building social capital at the neighborhood level
•    Ensuring that neither spending or tax legislation increase our federal deficit
•    To leave a healthy environment in which our children can thrive
•    Preserving women’s right and ensuring that our daughters will never be limited in what they can be and achieve because of their sex

We’d love to hear from you.  What are you truly working toward this election year?