Selecting Good Rules, and the Beauty of Good Structure

By Caroline Savery, Editor/Associate Consultant at Joining Vision and Action In my last post, I wrote about the importance of evaluating and experimenting with the rules in one’s life. I’d like to continue that conversation into the domain of rules governing the operations, management and governance of an organization. Mostly in my career, I have [...]

Being a Skillful Rule-breaker: Optimize Your Obedience

By Caroline Savery, Editor/Associate Consultant at Joining Vision and Action Rules, rules, rules. Most of us relate to the idea of "rules" with an automatic sense of grudging, borne from childhood. Remember what it felt like growing up, when it seemed like every aspect of your natural behavior was policed by grown-ups, citing rules? "Cross [...]

Getting Out of Your Own Way

By Nora Welch, Joining Vision and Action (JVA) It was my second week on the job and I knew it was exactly where I needed to be. We were at one of our quarterly all-staff meetings and working on a timed writing assignment. Of course, being a team of highly-skilled and deeply-invested people (read: we [...]

Everyday Phrases Cost you Time, Money and Joy

By Nora Welch, Joining Vision and Action (JVA) It’s rare to hear from nonprofits and other organizations doing good that they don’t have concerns about their bottom line. While this is a common problem, with some common solutions (see also: JVA tips for grantwriting and fundraising), here’s a rather uncommon solution to ponder and implement. [...]

2020-12-12T17:50:03-07:00February 14th, 2017|Blog, Books, Tools for Changemakers|0 Comments

Advocacy and Action in the Trump Era: Highlights from our Panelists and Actions to Take

By Erin Shaver and Janine Vanderburg, Joining Vision and Action It was standing-room only at Joining Vision and Action on Wednesday night, when more than 100 people from all over the local community showed up, ready to listen, learn and share their experiences at the panel/workshop, Advocacy and Action in the Trump Era. A joint [...]

Productivity Hacks (Part 3 of 3)

By Janine Vanderburg, President/CEO, Joining Vision and Action   How does our changemaker team at JVA stay on task and accomplish so much for our clients? You’ve already heard from Collin and Nora; here are some favorite changemakers productivity hacks from the rest of our team. Jill Iman, director of research and implementation science In [...]

2020-12-11T14:02:22-07:00January 17th, 2017|Blog, Tools for Changemakers, Unconsultants|0 Comments

Six things you will learn at Executive Director Academy

By Amber Alarid, [Joining Vision and Action] Being an executive director of a nonprofit is hard work. It doesn’t matter if the nonprofit has hundreds of employees and a budget in the millions, or if it is a brand new organization relying on volunteers for everything. Sure, the stresses are different, but there are many [...]

Social Enterprise Basecamp, where social ventures reach new heights

Almost all of our clients want to change the world for the better. That, of course, is no accident. [Joining Vision and Action's] entire business model is built around supporting nonprofits, government agencies, school districts, libraries, universities and socially responsible businesses in their work. There have always been socially responsible businesses, business people out to [...]

3 ways using Twitter can help your grantwriting success

As a nonprofit grantwriter or development professional, you're busy. You know that social media is popular, but how exactly, is it going to help you get your job done? Here are 3 ways we use Twitter at [Joining Vision and Action] to help with grantwriting. 1. Researching and understanding trends, current events affecting your work. [...]

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