By Amber Alarid, JVA Consulting

If you’ve ever experienced a slump in productivity at work due to lack of sleep, sitting for extended periods of time or the dreaded after-lunch digestion period, you’re not alone. Though these energy lulls can feel debilitating, there is still hope to save your day and increase productivity. Use these simple and quick tips to increase energy and regain focus for the rest of your workday.

Take a short break

Stepping away from the computer for a moment can provide much needed relief for tired eyes. If it is close to lunchtime, consider eating someplace in the office that is away from your desk or leaving the office altogether to eat. If you are not in a position to leave for an extended period of time, consider five- to ten-minute breaks within the office that can still be productive. Clear your desk of clutter, return phone calls or even take out the trash if you’re craving fresh air.

Move around

If you find that you are unable to focus at your desk, consider moving to another empty desk or meeting room that is free of distractions and clutter. Just be sure to clear this with a supervisor or any coworkers who may be working on a project with you and will need to find you. If you are unable to move from your desk, try standing up or sitting on a yoga ball.

Know your most productive time of day

Everyone’s work style is individual, so it’s important that you take responsibility for observing and leveraging your own unique style. suggests knowing your style and prioritizing your workload accordingly. If you know you experience some fatigue after eating lunch, reserve that time for tasks like checking email and filing.

Minimize distractions

During times when you know your productivity is already low, don’t tempt yourself with distractions. Leave your phone off or away from your desk, log out of Facebook and silence all other unnecessary devices. If you simply can’t stay away from distractions, consider a goal and reward system, i.e., if I complete this task I can spend five minutes checking my personal email. However, it’s important to beware the danger in this type of trade off and it’s very important to have adequate self-control—not every task warrants a reward (this can significantly slow down progress). Also, make sure to obey the timer (don’t spend more than a few moments on personal tasks).

The key to overcoming workday hiccups is not to get discouraged. Simple steps can reinvigorate your routine and get you back on track. What are your best tips for increasing productivity throughout the day?